Eileen Braybrook

To give us a sense of you as a designer, what is your major and why?

I chose to major in knit as I love the freedom of being able to jump on the machine and have a play without too much planning. I love knitwear and find the possibility of being able to make clothing and objects from scratch really exciting. Using my hands is a very satisfying and natural process for me.


“If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too" or so says Dr Seuss. How do you get started on a new project?

If I've been fortunate enough to have seen or experienced something that inspires me, then that obviously stays in the front of my mind and I research around that idea. I have a really eclectic and broad range of interests so as long as I stay connected to the world in some way, finding inspiration usually isn't a problem. Then it's research, instinct, some vague planning and luck!


Bricolage is about using and utilising what you find to hand. What tools or techniques do you find you can’t help coming back to?

Hand and machine knit obviously and I'm a bit obsessed with collecting things; yarns, threads, beads, trinkets, feathers and I've recently been trying to use those things in my work. I've also got about 8 years worth of paper tear outs, postcards and other remnants that I keep mainly for inspiration and collage. And I still love my gouache!

Bricolage: Eileen Braybrook